2018 回望
之后以伊辛模型为基础,简要实现了一种神经网络,即 Hopefield Neural Network(HNN),可以根据给定的训练集来生成关系矩阵,并可以用来还原加入噪声的信号。
Simulate SAWs in three dimensions. Determine the vairation of
with step number and find the value of , where this parameter is defined through the relation (7.9). Compare your results with those in Figure 7.6. You should find that decreases for successively higher dimensions. (It is 1 in one dimension and 3/4 in two dimensions.) Can you explain this trend qualitatively?
Calculate the value of
by using numerical integration to estimate the area of a circle of unit radius. Observe how your estimate approaches the exact value (3.1415926…) as the grid size in the integration is reduced.
近日,一篇题为〈我是中国人,Google 的蜻蜓项目必须继续〉[1]的文章开始在 GitHub 上传播。文章作者强调说「百度竞价排名广告臭名昭著,很多人受骗上当、损失金钱、健康受损,甚至死亡」,并举例「魏则西」事件,称 Google 「返华」将有助于避免此类事件。该文作者同时列举了一个数据,称 Google 「返华」将拯救 551,615,600 名百度使用者,这些人——按照作者的话说——「因为对技术的不了解」,成为了「受害者」,而「他们理应有更好的技术选择!」
换言之,作者认为,Google 有责任、有义务让这 551,615,600 名百度使用者用得上 Google 搜索。
Google 「退出」中国到底是怎么一回事,以及:Google 是否应对 551,615,600 名无法使用 Google 服务者负责
不知不觉又到了年底了,是一个适合写年终总结的日子。由于天气渐冷,逐渐咸鱼(本来就是),估计也不会做什么新的拼图了,就总结一下入坑两年多以来做过的哪些拼图吧,以此纪念一下自己的 Ingress 岁月。
然后要感谢这几年认识的这些大佬们,虽然我很菜,但是大佬们这么强,似乎也能得到一点奇怪的安慰 我还是很菜。写了很多 ID,还是不放出来了吧。
下面就是那些年我做过的拼图了,大体按照地理位置分类,没有严格按照时间(可以自行 ping 我查看)。
Study the behavior of our model for Hyperion for different initial conditions. Estimate the Lyapunov exponent from calculation of
, such as those shown in Figure 4.19. Examine how this exponent varies as a function of the eccentricity of the orbit.
基于 Nginx ,在服务器同时搭建了 Hexo 和 Jupyter,可以使用 Jupyter 直接在线编辑 Markdown 并发布,同时能够直接看到 Hexo 博客的效果。服务器使用的是 GCP 提供的免费试用服务,域名是 freedom 免费域名,使用 Cloudflare 的 DNS 和 CDN 服务,开启 https 加密。其实就是全部免费啦,可以根据自己的情况换用不同的服务。
In this section we saw that orbits are unstable for any value of
that is not precisely 2 in (4.12). A related question, which we did not address (until now), is how unstable an orbit might be. That is, how long will it take for an unstable orbit to become obvious. The answer to this question depends on the nature of the orbit. If the initial velocity is chosen so as to make the orbit precisely circular, then the value of in (4.12) will make absolutely no difference. Of course, in practice it is impossible to construct an orbit that is exactly circular, so the instabilities when will always be apparent given enough time. Even so, orbits that start out as nearly circular will remain almost stable for a longer period than those that are highly elliptical. Investigate this by studying orbits with the same value of (say, ) and comparing the hebavior with different values of the ellipticity of the orbit. You should find that the orientation of orbits that are more nearly circular will rotate more slowly than those that are highly elliptical. (尝试利用不是2的 值构造圆形轨道,并讨论各种不同轨道情况下的稳定性。)